NOAA Weather & Tides Details

NOAA Weather & Tides


Gregory Berardi

App Details

Updated Size Installs
April 2, 2024 5074884 39
Version Code Category
7.23.0 7230000 Weather
Developer Website Email
Gregory Berardi


Retrieve real-time 7-day hyperlocal point weather forecasts and current weather conditions for worldwide locations from NOAA NWS based on your current location or any location in the world. Not only are NOAA forecasts the most accurate, they provide unique point forecasts for every square mile which take into consideration all the variables affecting the weather at that point, such as altitude. This is especially useful in locations with highly dynamic weather patterns and is a great tool for being outdoors. -View forecast & current conditions for your current location. -View forecast & current conditions for any location in the world by map. -Save favorite locations to quickly retrieve forecasts for them. -Hourly forecast -Animated radar, cloud cover, precipitation & wind imagery over Google Maps -Hazardous weather alerts -Tide charts from NOAA tide stations -Current conditions notification -Home screen widget -Light and Dark Material themes -Optimized for tablets -Android Wear support In-app purchase is available to remove ads. Please e-mail me below with any bug reports or features requests. Thanks!