Bluetooth QR & Barcode to PC Details

Bluetooth QR & Barcode to PC


App Details

Updated Size Installs
Feb. 10, 2023 2365259 16
Version Code Category
1.5.7 36 Productivity
Developer Website Email


With this app you can turn your phone into a mobile QR/Barcode scanner and send the value of any code as text input to the connected Bluetooth device.


- Wide variety of QR/Barcode types supported
- No special software on the receiving side required
- Works completely offline
- No Ads/In-App-Purchases
- Highly customizable for many use-cases

The app works by utilizing the Bluetooth HID feature accessible on devices running Android 9 or later. Using this feature allows the Android device to act like a normal wireless keyboard connected via Bluetooth.
That means it should work with every device that supports connecting a Bluetooth keyboard like a PC, Laptop or Phone.

This project is Open-Source. You can take a look at the code on GitHub: