TripAdvisor Hotels Restaurants Details

TripAdvisor Hotels Restaurants



App Details

Updated Size Installs
April 25, 2024 30366173 8
Version Code Category
53.4 230717018 Requires Google Play Services
Air Travel
Developer Website Email


Know better. Book better. Go better. TripAdvisor Hotels & Restaurants enables travelers to unleash the full potential of every trip. With more than 535 million reviews and opinions covering the world's largest selection of travel listings worldwide - over 7 million accommodations, airlines, attractions, and restaurants - TripAdvisor Hotels & Restaurants provides travelers with the wisdom of the crowds to help them decide where to stay, how to fly, what to do and where to eat. The app also compares prices from more than 200 hotel booking sites so travelers can find the lowest price on the hotel that's right for them. TripAdvisor-branded sites are available in 49 markets, and are home to the world's largest travel community of 415 million average unique monthly visitors, all looking to get the most out of every trip. Tripadvisor believes the power of travel will help you make the right choice when you shop for hotels, restaurants, and attractions. You'll also find low airfares, free travel guides, worldwide vacation rental listings, popular forums with advice about virtually every destination, and more. When it’s time to book, the app can help you save up to 30% on hotels, checking 200+ sites to find you today’s lowest prices. Tripadvisor offers info and independent user reviews about hotels, restaurants, and things to do in a host of towns and cities across the planet. You can use the TripAdvisor application to search for a specific location or set it to look for places in the immediate area around you. Hotels and restaurants are shown in order of their overall rank on TripAdvisor, based on user reviews. You can choose to filter results based on variables such as price, distance, cuisine, type of accommodation, etc. Depending on the place you can also have the option to book a room on your device. The database of travel information included in TripAdvisor is impressive and there's plenty of information relating to each business. This includes addresses and contacts as well as information of how to get there. TripAdvisor also includes a Forums section, where you can post questions and exchange information about a particular place with other users. TripAdvisor packs a mammoth database of locations into a pocket-sized program, making for a quick way to find places to stay or eat in a city. FEATURES > Lowest-prince finder scans more than 200 hotel booking sites > Read millions of reviews, videos, opinions, check photos by travelers > Find the best hotel for your stay, including Traveler’s Choice winners > Find Restaurants by type, price range, rating > Discover amazing stuff to do in any destination > Compare airfares, look for the best deals > Use Near Me to discover great options close to your location > Get more specific answers on Forums > Add your own reviews and photos