Daily Money Details

Daily Money



App Details

Updated Size Installs
June 19, 2023 2729636 9
Version Code Category
0.9.8-dep 2018050600 Finance
Developer Website Email
Check www.facebook.com cola.orange@gmail.com


*↓↓↓Please read this note↓↓↓* *Because of a policy issue, this app is going to be deprecated, the new one is at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.colaorange.dailymoney or search Daily Money+ * A simple & easy financial application Features: * Record your daily expense, income, asset and liability. * Multiple books for different currency or whatever. * Hierarchical and Customizable Account * Calculate balance of money. * Data backup and restore. * Export/Import to CSV. * Balance pie chart & time chart. * Password protection. == KW : daily, money, expense, tracker