Christian Hymns Details

Christian Hymns


Oleksandr Dolganenko

App Details

Updated Size Installs
Sept. 20, 2023 14974757 24
Version Code Category
1.7.5 68 Books & Reference
Developer Website Email
Oleksandr Dolganenko


"Christian Hymns" is a pocket collection of Christian hymn books in several languages. The application allows to: - Quickly search for a desired hymn in one of your favorite hymn books or among the all provided hymn books. You can search by a hymn title, by a hymn number or its fragment, by a hymn text, with an arbitrary order of entered words or in an exact order. - Adjust the application appearance and font sizes, pinch-to-zoon for a hymn text. - Limit selection of hymn books by the device's system language. - Open a random hymn from the list of displayed ones. - Add own or missing hymns, so that you can then possibly ask the Developer to add them into one of the collections. - Conveniently mark hymns into named selections (for different occasions, for different ministries). - Share your selections and added hymns with others (note: you can just "make it look for others exactly like it looks for you"; merging of selections made by different users is not supported). - Conveniently report defects in hymn texts to the Developer.