Christian Song lyrics (Hymns) Details

Christian Song lyrics (Hymns)



App Details

Updated Size Installs
Aug. 12, 2023 3873616 24
Version Code Category
4.1 41 Books & Reference
Developer Website Email


Have you ever felt left out because you didn't know the lyrics of a Christian song? Well with this app you have the most traditional and contemporary Christian song lyrics always with you. This app presents :- - A simple idea of providing lyrics of Christian songs at your fingertips. - A minimal yet efficient user interface for smooth navigation and easy reading. - Almost 1000 Christian song lyrics, so you never run out of songs to sing ;) - A shuffle function to discover and learn new songs. - A share function to easily share your favorite lyrics. - Constantly updated database of lyrics offline. - Easy way to report missing songs. - Option to request new song. - Earnings made from the app will be donated to non-profit organizations. Upcoming features - Song of the day and much more... Last but not the least, this app doesn't play songs, duh!