Lely T4C InHerd - FarmNotes Details

Lely T4C InHerd - FarmNotes


Lely International N.V

App Details

Updated Size Installs
Dec. 28, 2022 3119204 2
Version Code Category
2.8.2 20201216 Agriculture
Developer Website Email
Lely International N.V www.lelyt4c.com t4c.inherd@lely.com


Communicate fast and efficient with other InHerd users on your dairy farm. FarmNotes replaces the whiteboard you can find in many larger dairy farms. You can carry it around in your pocket, have always the latest information from your colleagues available and you can send and reply on a message wherever you are. It works as fast and easy as text messaging, but without costs and you can also easily check the chat history on a certain subject.