Low FODMAP diet A to Z foods Details

Low FODMAP diet A to Z foods


Temeraire 1798 Ltd

App Details

Updated Size Installs
Feb. 22, 2024 12063210 0
Version Code Category
1.3.36 52 Health & Fitness
Developer Website Email
Temeraire 1798 Ltd www.temeraire1798.co.uk fodmapaz@gmail.com


This app was created by a software developer with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) who found the low FODMAP diet to be very effective in avoiding trigger foods. It includes the following key features:/n/n✓ Clear and simple FODMAP rating system/n✓ Database of 700+ everyday foods and ingredients/n✓ Breakdown of each FODMAP rating (showing oligos, fructose, polyols and lactose content) /n✓ Search by food name and filter by category/rating to find exactly what you want/n✓ Tailor food ratings once you have worked out your tolerance/n/nIf you have IBS and are following the low FODMAP diet to improve your digestive health by avoiding trigger foods then this A to Z food list is for you./n/nNote: this app is provided for educational purposes only; please ensure you seek the advice of a qualified doctor before making changes to your diet.